Our latest Global Insights.

  • Spotlight: The impact of the energy crisis on commercial real estate in Europe

    Multiple measures and policies by European countries limit the impact of the energy crisis

  • Spotlight: European Data Centres

    2023: the watershed for data centre water usage

  • Spotlight: European Logistics Outlook

    European logistics market slows but economic tailwinds are set to return

  • Spotlight: European Investment – Q1 2023 preliminary results

    We expect investment activity to remain subdued in Europe until the second half of the year when the economy will slowly start to pick up.

  • Spotlight: European Real Estate Logistics Census - Autumn 2022

    Savills European Real Estate Logistics Census outlines the challenges and opportunities facing Europe’s logistics occupiers, developers and investors

  • Market in Minutes Industrial Property Market Germany

    Against the negative factors

  • Savills Impacts Forecasts 2023

    2023 outlook: Real estate investment in Europe and the Middle East

  • Why European double decker lorries may lead to a change in warehouse design

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